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tv   Hardball With Chris Matthews  MSNBC  October 31, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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the consequences are not -- resolves around the sun. but unfortunately, they, in doing that, proved that if they take over the presidency as well, they are going to -- >> congressman markey -- thank you, sir, very much. i'm sure we have to draw it to a close. "hardball" and chris matthews is next. good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start with this. we've heard the story, how in the winter of world war i, the two sides, german and english, climbed out of their trenches and sang christmas carols together. well, today, an echo of that spirit rose over the jersey shore.
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two politicians of different parties figuring out how to do their jobs together. say what you will, debbie downers of the world, there comes a time when the grown-ups got to do their jobs. so they put away their toys, their big birds and their bayonets and do the business they got elected to. i love politics, and today is one of the reasons. it's not all stupid ads on tv, it's not all handlers and bs artists. some days it's just a job, and some days like today, it's the most important job we've got. joining me to talk about this, this remarkable political moment today that unfolded on the jersey shore, former pennsylvania governor ed rendell and david corn watkins, bureau chief for mother jones and the author of "47%." both are msnbc political analysts. governor rendell, i know you're an ocean city buy, 34th street, you've been down there, you're well known in that community. i don't know what it meant to you, but my brother filled me in today. the boardwalk is gone down there, all that historic stuff down there.
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just gone. all the way down to the south everything's flooded. it's amazing how much damage. but luckily, i think it's wonderful the way your former colleague, actually, governor christie said today, not much loss of life. this is all about stuff that can be replaced. >> and he's right. it can be replaced if we understand that government has a role in our lives. government has to be the key factor in helping that effort, that recovery effort. >> let's talk about that effort. let me go to david connorn. it seems to me that fema, there was a judgment made way back when in the '70s that government needs to be united. one focus by one man or woman, this guy, fugate's got to be good. you need like a baseball team, you need a manager, somebody to call the shots. >> and we see with more extreme weather happening in the last few years, it's more necessary to have a national, federalized approach, particularly in the planning and in the research,
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and tracking storms. that can't be done by 50 different states. i thought the president today was very smart when he spoke up in new jersey with governor christie. he thanked the congressional delegate for voting for fema funds. something that, of course, mitt romney -- >> well, anybody -- here's where it happens. the president this morning toured that devastation down in jersey with governor chris christie. afterwards, they had some kind words for each other. let's watch. >> pleased to report that he has sprung into action immediately to help get us those things while we were in the car riding together. so i want to thank him for that. he has worked incredibly closely with me, since before the storm hit. i think this is our sixth conversation sincing te ing tht and it's been a great working relationship to make sure that we are doing the jobs that people elected us to do. and i cannot thank the president enough for his personal concern and compassion for our state and for the people of our state.
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i heard it on the phone conversations with him and i was able to witness it today personally. it's my honor to introduce to all of you the president of the united states. >> good job, chris. i have to say that governor christie, throughout this process, has been responsive. he's been aggressive in making sure that the state got out in front of this incredible storm. and i think the people of new jersey recognize that he has put his heart and soul into making sure that the people of new jersey bounce back, even stronger than before. >> let me get to this, governor rendell. you're a pro. and i think you can tell people right now, in a couple of minutes, how different it is being a professional politician from being your average, passionate political person, who roots for one side against the other. but doesn't understand what it's like to work day to day with somebody from the other political party, and finding common ground. you've done it, when you worked with w. when he was president. explain how that works. you put aside the partisanship
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and you work together. >> well, you have to. and particularly in an emergency management. because the whole system, chris, is set up like a pyramid. fema's at the top. fema goes to the state emergency management agency, and the state then fans out to the different counties. and cooperation is essential. and, look, your opening was exactly right. there are sometimes when we have to do our jobs, and that means putting our people first, putting politics way on the back burner. and i commend governor christie for doing that, and i think the president's done a good job at that as well. but that cooperation is essential. it's also smart. because governor christie is a smart guy, no question about it. he's done the right thing here, but it's also the smart thing. because the more he cooperates with the president, the more likely it is that he'll get the things that are necessary to begin the rebuilding process in new jersey. short-term and long-term. >> let's talk about jersey, because you're very familiar with it. you know, you and i are about the same age. we grew up watching that beach
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disappear over the years. then they rebuilt the whole beach. you've got big dunes, actually, with stuff growing on them, which i never knew, it's like cape cod down there. my brother just talked to me on the phone a couple of hours ago. he tells me, a lot of that's just gone now. and the boardwalk down where you live is gone now. and atlantic city, a big part of that is gone now. federal money, how do you do a cost benefit and go in there and say, this is a value to the american economy to rebuild that part of the country that's right there ton the water's edge? >> the interesting thing, chris, you're right, my house in ocean city had 10 inches -- 10 feet of water in the basement. fortunately, it didn't go under the house. but the shoreline, a lot of it's gone. and that means a comprehensive effort. we've got to find sand. and interesting, as we dredge eastern ports to get them ready for the big liners that are coming in from the panama canal, that frees up a lot of sand that can be used in rebuilding those beaches. but that's going to take an effort between the army corps of engineers and the states. and that's federal/state, again.
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so the recovery process depends on federal/state cooperation. and i think we're going to see it. i think new jersey, the governor is intent on bringing new jersey back. mayor bloomberg, who always does the right thing, is intent on bringing new york back. i think you're going to see a great local/state/federal effort to rebuild what's been shattered. it's what americans do best, when we put partisanship aside. >> and there's also a difference among the states, david. you know, the civil war sort of united the country as a country. but all the time, people say, oh, i just care about utah, i just care about virginia or something. i don't think people still think like that. there's tremendous national interest in new york, what happened on 9/11, and in this case. >> the governor just said, cuts against the core philosophy of the tea party and the far right republican party. >> so the war is -- you're not in the trenches? >> no, no, i think as we look ahead, you have to be realistic here. and while you and i and the governor believe in these communal values that unite us
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and that will guide us -- >> federal values. >> he was talking about the federal/state partnership, there are some, and i think paul ryan's in this camp, i'm not sure mitt romney is. >> romney said we ought to defund fema, period. >> privatize this, let states do this, let people take care of it on their own, i think we see a real difference and we're going to be fighting over these federal recovery issues for some time to come. as the governor described it, it is a massive job. >> let's talk about this. more pictures from this afternoon, with governor christie looking on. take a look at how he handled this. i wish he'd been doing a lot more of this before. look at how he handled this sort of meat and potatoes government work and how he describes it here. >> what i can promise you is that the federal government will be working as closely as possible with the state and local officials, and we will not quit until this is done. and the directive that i've given and i've said this yesterday, but i will repeat,
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and i think craig and others who are working with me right now know i mean it, we are not going to tolerate red tape. we're not going to tolerate bureaucracy. and you know, i've instituted a 15-minute rule, essentially, on my team. you return everybody's phone calls in 15 minutes. whether it's the mayor's, the governor's, county officials, if they need something, we figure out a way to say yes. >> you know, governor, that is what a lot of people think of as government. they think of the dmv, think of where they've been that day, and having somebody giving them a hard time, somebody giving them attitude, about them coming into work. they say, don't get me in the way, excuse me, i'm the citizen, i'm paying for this thing here. that was meat and potatoes politics, i thought, from the president. 15-minute rule on answering the phone. because you know there's been a critique of this president over the last four years about not so quick to respond to other pols when they call. you know that. >> and by the way, emergencies require different and new, and
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sometimes emergency actions. and the president's right to activate that. i want to say one thing about what you said about the national feeling here. when katrina happened, i got a call the day after from haley barbour, the republican governor from mississippi, who of course, is a friend of mine. and he said, i need guardsmen. can you send me guardsmen? pennsylvania had, you know, nickel on that dime. we're thousands, hundreds of miles away from the gulf, but we have 20,000 guardsmen and i activated 2,100 and sent them down to mississippi and louisiana. and the interesting thing is, i got tons of letters from citizens of those states thanking me, but i also got letters from my own guardsmen, who said it was the best thing they've done since they've been in the national guard, to help americans from another area of the country, who are suffering. and that's the spirit that takes over and it's, as you said, what makes us a special place. >> well, that's why people like you and they like haley barbour, thank you, governor rendell, and thank you, david corn. you don't get to be a governor, you don't know what that's like.
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and for the latest on the devastation on the jersey shore, we turn to ron allen, who's at point pleasant. i felt for you the other night. what a report you gave us. you should have that recorded for your memoirs. i'm telling you. tell us what it looks like today. >> reporter: thanks, chris. it was quite a night here, and now the devastation. the other thing is, i think it's going to get tougher for a lot of people before it gets better in the short run. we've already heard reports of gas lines forming, people trying to get fuel for their cars. it's getting colder here at night, and a lot of people without power won't have heat, although the outages have dropped, it was 2.4 million, now it's about 500,000 have gotten power back. one woman i was talking to said that the only place that's open around here is a 7-eleven and a pizza parlor, and everywhere you
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drive, there's road blocks and traffic jams. you were talking about the beach earlier. let me show you what the beach looks like here now. pan over in this direction. there used to be a sand dune here that was about, oh, 12 feet tall, about 30 yards deep. and that was a protective barrier for this part of the town. that was where we were reporting from a couple of nights ago. and as you see now, it's completely gone. and all that sand is in the town. the streets are covered with maybe 2 feet of sand, several blocks in. the other thing is that the ocean today, is about, it's breaking about 40 or 50 yards from where i'm standing now. much different from the other night, of course, when it's topping here. so this is what's normal here. that's why so many people here, now, i think are having a lot of difficulty getting their head around what happened, because it just doesn't seem to be the kind of place where storms could get so out of control, get so ferocious, and do so much damage in a matter of hours. because the ocean was literally
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rushing down the street to the city. the water was waist deep at times and moving very fast. you also have a lot of inland flooding. the other thing that's happening is this part of the state, there's a lot of inland water ways, rivers, a bay on the other side, and all that water came together. that's what caused the flooding. and now that water's not going anywhere. and that's why there's going to be a lot of misery and suffering here for a long time to come. >> thank you so much for the daytime report, now. it's great having you in both times of day. ron allen in point pleasant beach on the jersey shore. coming up, spin game from the republicans. romney's expanding the map, he says, advertising now in michigan and pennsylvania and forcing team obama, the other side, to play defense. from the democrats, romney can't find the votes for the battleground states, so he's throwing wild passes where he can't win. the new polls out today suggest the democrats are right, this is a distraction, not a reality. also, that romney jeep advertisement we told you about yesterday was so dishonest, so misleading that chrysler and gm
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executives themselves are pushing back. people expect politicians to trim the truth a bit, but it's possible that mitt romney has just a crossed a line that not even the most uninformed voters will accept, that jeep is moving to china. and look who's back, joe isuzu, speaking of dishonest, this time campaigning, kind of, for mitt romney. >> i'm joe isuzu. guys, vote for mitt romney and you'll get a free binder full of women, you have my word on it! >> in case you missed that, it's a spoof, sort of, and it's in the side show. joe isuzu is back. finally, let me finish with the best way to fight people who play racial politics -- get out there and vote. this is "hardball," the place for politics. jaw drop? campbell's has 24 new soups that will make it drop over, and over again. ♪ from jammin' jerk chicken, to creamy gouda bisque. see what's new from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. see what's new from campbell's. if we want to improve our schools...
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... what should we invest in? maybe new buildings? what about updated equipment? they can help, but recent research shows... ... nothing transforms schools like investing in advanced teacher education. let's build a strong foundation. let's invest in our teachers so they can inspire our students. let's solve this. we've got new national polls on the presidential race. let's check the "hardball" scoreboard. first, the new "washington post"/abc poll shows mitt romney with a one-point lead now,
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49-48. a new "new york times"/cbs poll has the president up one, 48-47. and a new npr poll has romney up 48-47, again, one point. but the npr poll also finds that president obama has a 12-point lead in the battleground states, where it matters. with a deadline. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. this is awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is, business pro. yes, it is. go national. go like a pro.
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i will come on "morning joe" and i will shave off my mustache of 40 years if we lose any of those three states. >> welcome back to "hardball." that was david axelrod, famous for his mustache. he's with the obama campaign, sounding very bullish on their chances, obama's chance of carrying michigan, minnesota, and of course, pennsylvania. these three states haven't been given much time or attention by the media or the money spenders until lately. that's because the romney camp and their cohorts in the super pac world announce they're now going to start advertising there. they're pouring in over 4 million bucks in pennsylvania, 2 million in michigan, and about $1 million in minnesota.
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the obama campaign says they're going to match all of that, go to the airwaves to match up with all of that. republicans say they're seizing new opportunities, in other words, they're going to win swing states, but also win these. democrats say the romney camp knows they've lost steam in that seventh battleground state area, and they've got to go looking for some other chance to move it. right now, let's bring in aaron mcpike now and james paterson. erin mcpike is with real clear politics and james peterson is a lehie professor and grio kpri t contributor. erin, is ohio pretty much obama territory now? >> we think that it is. and all of the national -- or excuse me, the ohio public polls show that, yes, president obama is leading. he lost a little bit of ground, but he's made that back up again. one thing i would point out, chris, is that the obama campaign is seeing very different internal polling than the republicomney campaign is s
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is. republicans told me earlier this week that last week, their polls showed mitt romney up four to five points in ohio. by monday, mitt romney was leading president obama in these ohio republican internal polls by just one point. they've seen his numbers go down. the obama campaign tells me that he's consistently led two to four points in their internal polling. you might say it's spin, but these two campaigns are seeing very different data. >> do you trust these people that are giving you these numbers? are they just giving you numbers, or do you really believe them? which of these people are the most credible when it comes to numbers when you match them up against other evidence? >> one of the things that the romney campaign was suggesting, just about an hour ago on a conference call that they had, the romney pollster, neil newhouse, was saying that he doesn't buy some of these national polls, because he was just pointing out that the quinnipiac "new york times" poll, and said that was weighted more heavily toward registered
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voters than likely voters and thought that it sort of overshowed a little bit of enthusiasm for democrats, and i keep hearing this over and over again, from republicans, chris, and that is, they don't believe that obama voters will turn out as much as the obama campaign expects. these sides do believe very different things. sure, they're spinning some, but they do believe different things. >> okay. let me go to james peterson. let me go to this whole question. and i may agree with the republicans to this extent, in terms of taxes. everybody's been talking about these swing states as if the tail can wag the dog. somehow if you win the swing states, you affect the whole rest of the country in doing so, when that's the residue. but if you spend all your advertising money and all your grassroots, all your social media, and you focus it all on ohio, that doesn't help you win in pennsylvania. it doesn't help you in minnesota or michigan. i'm wondering whether they got the thing wrong, possibly, the obama people, by putting all their faith in winning those
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seven states, or most of them. what do you think? >> i think that because of the electoral college, elections, presidential elections have to focus on swing states and have to focus on these emerging purple states, because as it turns out, the elections sometimes do hinge on them. this election does seem to hinge on these particular swing states. the reason why the polling is so confusing, chris, is because sometimes national polls don't take into effect the fact that we have an electoral college, don't take into effect that some of these swing states will be singularly determinative, in terms of the presidential election. and so that's why we're getting all this conflict around. that's why the internal polls for each campaign may be different from what some of those external polls are. but it's been pretty substantial so far. and also pretty clear for quite some time that pennsylvania, although it is a truly purple state, is leaning towards obama at this point in time. >> let's take a look at those three states. everybody will agree, are in hot pursuit right now. let's take a look at them. now, look at the three of the
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states. there's ohio. let's keep going. keep going. "the new york times" and cbs over mitt romney, ohio by five point. in virginia, the president has a two-point lead, 49-47. florida is the closest, president obama is up one point over romney, 48-47. so there you see it, erin, these states all show obama up. i'm wondering, is that a consistent mood? obviously, the romney people don't buy that? >> no, and look, we are seeing a little bit of a swing back toward president obama. one thing i will say about the storm, about sandy, is that president obama is going to be continuing to get positive national media coverage this week. and that could help independents swing back his direction. the thing i'll tell you about being on the ground here in ohio, chris, is that mitt romney is getting pounded by the local press in northern ohio, for that chrysler ad that he's been running, and it hasn't come off the air yet. it hasn't come off radio yet
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either. >> erin, has anybody said it's an honest ad, in the objective media? anybody said it's an honest ad? >> certainly not the media in northern ohio. not the toledo papers, the akron papers, the cleveland papers. they are all pounding mitt romney for that. and here's the thing, chris. northern ohio, especially cleveland and toledo, will go very heavily for president obama. cincinnati, where i am sitting right now, will go heavily for mitt romney. what we need to watch on election night is columbus, where franklin county is, because we've been seeing the romney campaign, campaign very heavily in central ohio, in and around columbus. we'll see president obama go there on friday. that's the area that could make up the difference come election night. >> okay. james peterson, last thought here. there is a pattern now of real dishonesty on the part of the romney campaign ads. they're out there saying that romney's been accused of outlawing birth control, contraception. nobody's ever accused him of that. they've said that he's not supporting the right of women to have it covered in their health plans.
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why are they putting out these desperate ads, like jeeps going to china and women are under attack for buying birth control pills. it's an absurdity. who would be so uninformed to believe these ads? >> chris, that's a different question. there are such a thing as uninformed voters and that's fine, that's part of our process. but this is the silly season. you know this, chris. you've studied many more elections than i have. this is the silly season. that's why you get that kind of desperation. it's kind of strange, though, because i'm not sure whether they're making the appeal to the right demographics in the state we need to make these certain appeals to. it seems strange they have the stroller ad here in p.a., and doubly strange for them to have that fake sort of chrysler ad in the very state where people have benefited most from the president's auto bailout piece. it just seems strategically like there's a few mismatches here. >> i think women have enough reason to vote against romney, without adding up reasons -- >> there's been too much playing around with the politics of women's health issues and rape and all this other stuff. that's alienating a lot of
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suburban white women voters and a lot of black -- a lot of women voters across the board, actually. >> thank you so much, james peterson and erin mcpike, from real clear probation. up next, joe isuzu is back, campaigning for mitt romney, sort of. you don't want him too much on your side. this is "hardball," the place for politics. [ man ] ring ring... progresso this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy
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back to "hardball." now to the sideshow. first the return of miguel. michael bloomberg took center and front several times this week to keep new yorkers informed about hurricane sandy and its aftermath. as he's done in the past, bloomberg, quite admirably, addressed spanish-speaking new yorkers directly. the problem? some think bloomberg's linguistic skills are lacking. you take a listen.
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[ speaking spanish ] >> wow, anyway, room for improvement. those recent press conferences sparked the resurgence of the twitter feed, which spoofs the experience of listening to the mayor speaking un-espanol. listen to this one, about to evacuate. if need to vamoose, use on cab degypsy or unglider dehang. remember joe isuzu, those commercials where it seemed like he would get anything to get you to buy an isuzu? >> the isuzu pup, so incredible, a supreme court justice is here to verify our claim. each isuzu pickup is built tough, so you can drive it forever, and so inexpensive, you can buy one with your spare
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change. and now with generous factory incentives, buy one and you'll get one free. you have our word on it. >> believe it or not, joe i ssu is making a comeback in the form of pitching mitt romney, and some more of his questionable campaign promises. >> if i'm president, i will create 12 million new jobs in this country. there's nothing better for getting us to a balanced budget than having more people working, earning more money, paying more taxes. the revenue i get is by more people working, getting higher pay, paying more taxes. that's how we get growth and how we balance the budget. the reason i'm in this race is there are people that are really hurting today in this country. i will not, under any circumstances, raise taxes on middle income families. i will lower taxes on middle income families. we didn't cut medicare, of course, we don't have medicare, but we didn't cut medicare. we care for those who have difficulties, those that are elderly and have problems and challenges, those that are
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elderly, we care for them. i'm not precisely with exactly what i said, but i stand by what i said, whatever it was. >> that was brilliant. anyway, those ads were created and brought to us by humorous mark lewis. the actor, by the way, davis leisure, who was joe isuzu, was happy to be part of the project. up next, romney's grossly dishonest jeep act was so misleading that chrysler and gm executives themselves are pushing back hard against romney's trickery here and it pain a bridge too far for romney. sometimes you go too far. that's ahead. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. ah. fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. do you churn your own butter too? what? this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier sure does who are you? [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. ♪ ambiance [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters.
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i'm hampton pearson with your cnbc market wrap. new york mayor michael bloomberg reopened the new york stock exchange today after an historic two-day shutdown because of
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hurricane sandy. the stock exchange ran on backup generators without a problem. by the closing bell, the dow and the nasdaq were each down 11 points. the s&p 500 was up just a fraction. and facebook shares dropped nearly 4% today on this first day facebook employees can sell their stock in the company. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. now back to "hardball." gm is back! chrysler is the fastest growing auto maker in the world! and what's happened? what's ryan and romney's response? desperation. desperation. in the last hours of this campaign, i just came from ohio. in the last hours of this campaign, if you can believe it, they're running the most
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fragrantly dishonest ads i can ever remember in my political career. >> welcome back to "hardball." that was, of course, vice president biden, referring to the advertisement we talked about in yesterday's show, in which the romney campaign leaves the distinct impression, i would say, the false impression that general motors and chrysler will send american jobs overseas to china. here's part of the romney ad. >> obama took gm and chrysler into bankruptcy and sold chrysler to italians who are going to build jeeps in china. mitt romney will fight for every american job. >> well, this is not the first time a romney ad has spread a falsehood. think of the ads that misled on romney's position on contraception, and the erroneous ad that said that president obama ended the work requirement for welfare. by the way, that ad is still running. but this time he messed with the wrong group, the auto industry himself. a general motor spokesman condemned the ad of romney, saying, "we've clearly entered
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some parallel universe during these last few days. no amount of campaign politics at its cynical worst will diminish our record of creating jobs in the united states and repatriating profits back to this country." and the ceo of chrysler sent an e-mail to all of its employees that said, "chrysler group's production plans for the jeep brand have become the focus of public debate. i feel obliged to unambiguously restate our position. jeep production will not be moved from the united states to china. it's inaccurate to suggest anything different." steve rattner was formerly the obama administration's car czar. bill blasick is detroit bureau chief for "the new york times" and author of "once upon a car: the fall and resurrection of america's big three automaker automakers -- gm, ford and chrysler." i saw the commercial, see how it
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could deliver a message that obama brought down the big three, chrysler and jeep, and he's moving jobs out of droit now to the united states. i think both those claims are false. what is your view, and in fact, objective reporting on that? >> well, it's very unusual for general motors and chrysler, first off, to respond to a political ad. both companies were bailed out, and have turned their fortunes around, since their bankruptcies. and i think they both took a vow of silence during this political campaign, to try and stay as far away as the partisan politics at possible. but as one gm executive told me. this ad crossed a line. it was, as i said, too outrageous and misleading for them, not to respond to. the fact is, general motors has been building vehicles in china for many years. it's one of the largest carmakers in china. but no automakers sell cars made in the united states, into china, because of import duties and the costs associated with
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that. on the chrysler side, it's troubling that they would attack jeep, which is serving the cornerstone of chrysler's comeback, and toledo, ohio, and detroit, michigan, where they are adding jobs, shifts in the plants, and making more jeeps than ever before and can't keep them in stock long enough. so, to suggest that they need to go elsewhere to build their jeeps, is false. and the fact of the matter is, in the global auto industry today, particularly in china, the mantra is, build them where you sell them. so this idea that somehow american jobs are at risk, because of chinese production, really doesn't add up. >> let me go to steve rattner. i think for the people that have just been following this, the big decision that obama had to make, and you had to make as one of his officers was what? what was the key philosophical or governmental choice that had to be made on your watch, to save the american auto industry,
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and the way to save it? >> of course there was a broad question of whether government should intervene at all in the private sector and the industrial sector, which even ose of us who are democrats, are very loathe to see happen. once we crossed that threshold, the really tough decision the president had to make was whether to save chrysler or not. chrysler was the number three company. it was only operating in north america. it didn't have a single car on the consumer reports most recommended list. many of the president's advisers felt that the government should not be in the business of saving losing companies and i agreed with that view, or sympathized with it, anyway. and the reason the president came down the other way was because we had available to us this partnership with fiat. and specifically, the ceo of fiat, silvio markione, and the fit between the two companies was fabulous, and we thought he could turn around chrysler, and he has done all of those things. all of us could not be more
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delighted with the partnership with fiat. >> explain the geography of the american auto production center. it's in detroit. how much of it -- what states really are involved in it, besides ohio, we've heard a lot about. writes sort of the leviathon of the american industry. >> the big three, gm, ford, and chrysler still have the bulk of their american production in the midwest. ohio, michigan, some in illinois. some in kansas city, in texas. there used to be plants in georgia and missouri. as we all know, the industry has shrunk quite a bit in recent years, part of the problem, which general motors, ford, and chrysler has added too many plants and too few buyers. the industry has gone through a tremendous restructuring. but it is a national industry, and of course, the japanese automakers and the german automakers are concentrated on the southern states.
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tennessee, kentucky, alabama. >> and they build their cars here to sell here, right? they build their cars here, mainly, right? >> every major automaker, if they're successful, tries to build as many cars as they can, in the market in which they're selling them. and that's no different, if it's the u.s. or europe, or china, for that matter. and china has the additional qualifications of the chinese government requires any automaker that's making cars there, to have a partner in china, and pretty much, discourages imports into china, by slapping large tariffs and duties on cars. >> thank you. that settles it. because the issue now is whether jeeps are building jeeps in america, for americans, they cleanly are. the chrysler company, that makes jeeps, says they're making all their cars here. here's the romney ad, defending the auto ad.
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they're defending it, which had been denounced by out company leaders. "the new york times" reports, quote, the romney campaign has insisted that its ad merely states the truth. quote, jeeps are not currently made in china and soon will be, creating jobs there instead of at home. it would be better if they expanded production in the united states, instead of expanding in china, said stewart stevens, the senior adviser to mr. romney. well, a gm spokesman responded to this saying, that is absolutely bereft of any fundamental understanding of the global automotive industry. all global manufacturers, whether general motors, ford, chrysler, or vw, build historically in the markets in which we sell. steve rattner, last, just to nail this down, it seems to me, the reality is, beyond all the nonsense and the ads put out by romney to get votes, is that we build jeeps in this country for people to buy them in this country, as i have done, and we build jeeps in china for chinese people to buy, and that's the way it's been, it's the way it will be, according to all future plans. >> yes.
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and i think both you and bill and what you have just read from the gm spokesman has made that very clear. cars are being made close to people who buy them. now, we do export jeeps at the moment, because it is such an iconic brand worldwide. and jeep wranglers will only be made in toledo for the foreseeable future. and any jeep wranglers that are bought around the world, and as i said, it is an iconic brand, will be exported from the u.s.. but we do want these companies to make cars close to where their customers are. we want chrysler to be profitable. we want general motors to be profitable. and these are all good things, not bad things, from the standpoint of the american taxpayer and the american citizens. >> my daughter owns a wrangler. they're great cars. thank you very much, bill blasick of "the new york times." up next, much more on the aftermath of hurricane sandy and the devastation it caused along the eastern seaboard. there's some more flooding pictures. that's hoboken, i think. this is "hardball," the place
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for politics.
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we've got some new "new york times" quinnipiac/cbs poll numbers in three key senate races. let's check the "hardball" scoreboard. we start in virginia, where democrat tim kaine is leading republican george allen by just four, kaine, 50, allen, 46. in ohio, sherrod brown has a nine-point lead over josh mandell. and in florida, democratic
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senator bill nelson keeps coming back. he's got a big lead over republican connie mack, nelson 52, mack, 39. and that's a 13-point lead for the democrat. we'll be right back. i'm an expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. massmutual. we'll help you get there.
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with us from hoboken is indicate t katie. tell us what the situation is in terms of the flooding because we can see it all around you. >> reporter: the flooding is still pretty bad. it's receded in parts of the city. it's gone down a couple inches but it's still pretty flooded across this area. you have to. >> reporter: even though you're only seeing it up to my shins here, there's water in basements all across the city. the water table is really high. so in order to get all of that out, they are going to be pumping for days. there are 500 million gallons of water that they need to get out of the city. 500 million gallons in one square mile. the mayor of the city says that it will take two days to do that. they've been pumping all day today. hopefully by the end of the day
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tomorrow they will almost be there. also in terms of power, we are getting questions from people who have been without power since monday night and everyone thinks once the water is gone, they will be lights, they will be able to charge their cell phones, their lives will start getting back to normal. unfortunately, the electric company around here told the mayor it could take seven to ten days. they are hoping it isn't that long but they want everyone to prepare for it. the national guard was here. they have been here all day. they were rescuing the elderly and the sick and people who needed to get out of their homes because of emergencies, who needed immediate care. they have been doing that all day long. if people did not need to leave their houses and there are a number of people who are staying in their homes, the national guard is bringing in supply. they are bringing in food, water. generators, if they can find them and anything to get someone who has no power for a week's time. the mayor had a news briefing
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out here which actually turned into a town hall of sorts. about 100 people from all across the city came and watched to see what was going on. they need generators, boats, supplies, they need the towns people to come and help where they can. they also need volunteers. you are getting a lot of people in this town volunteering their time to help out, which is such a good thing to see when there are disasters like this, chris. the concern other than the water and not having power and the fact of the damage, what's actually in this water. you mentioned that there's sewage, heating oil, there's debris. there's waste. there's all sorts of junk within this water that is just not safe. if you pan down, i don't know how easy it is to see but there's a sheen all over this water. that's heating oil and that's gasoline and that is not safe to walk in and we've seen a number
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of people all day long leaving their houses because they've been stuck inside for 2 1/2 days to go get supplies. unfortunately, they don't have waiters or boots and some of them are trying to do makeshift trash bags around their ankles but others are just leaving barefoot and that's the last thing you want to do in this water because you can get sick from it. the mayor is trying to tell people not to do that but she's not being so successful because people need to get out and get their supplies, chris? >> katy, this reminds me of new orleans where you had that same muck in the water and the reporting here is amazing. i didn't know that hoboken is below sea level. it's below the level of the hd s hudson, right. >> reporter: every time there's a large downpour, it floods. we were here every spring when
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it got rainy and flooded. this is not like anything that they have seen, though. this is much worse. taking two days to get out is actually quite remark bible. >> great reporting by katy tur in hoboken, new jersey. when we come back, the best way to fight against race see politics. get out there and vote yourself. you're watching "hardball," the place for poll tiblgs. ♪ i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain
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let me finish tonight with this. i'm hoping that this focus on
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the weather and what we face together will remove some of the manmade poison out of this election. you know, the donald trump stuff, the sununu nastiness stuff that gets played under the table. it's vital that none of that gets in the way for the same reason that none of that all bad stuff has nothing to do with what we're doing this week. all of us in this together, working together, worrying together, facing it together. especially in new jersey where my family spent so many summers growing up. there is one great anecdote to this election season, the efforts to suppress voting in pennsylvania, for example, and that anecdote is to get out there and vote yourself, vote like your life depends on it, no excuses, no reasons, no screw-ups, no distractions, nothing can get in your way. there are two choices in this election. vote for obama, you don't get